Over 20 years experience in Metal 3D Printing
1. Metal 3D Printing
2. Engineering Solutions
3. Systems and Equipment
3. Metal Powder

Metal 3D Printing
We are expert in Powder Bed Fusion technology in fabrication metal components. Wide range of materials with proven mechanical properties are available to support your business.

Engineering Solutions
Our over 20 years of experience in machine design and advanced manufacturing is the support that we provide in finding best solutions for your business.

Systems and Equipment
We are Australian representative of EPlus3D company. EPlus3D is the world leading company in large Laser Powder Bed Fusion systems and provides a wide range of LPBF system.

Metal Powder
We provide high quality metal powder for Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Direct Energy Deposition systems across Australia with competitive price.
Check our Case Studies
Explore our case studies to see how E-Metal3D’s technology has helped industries …

Our journey in Advanced Manufacturing and Metal 3D printing has over 2 decades of history. We are here to to help you out…
We are available in different ways for our convenience…
One-Stop solution to your needs in metal Additive Manufacturing
Printed Parts
Unique Customers
Sold Powder
Installed Systems

- If you have your own design, let us help you to transform it into a real part.
- If you need to learn more about the technology, let us assist you in our AM Academy.
- If you think you can print yourself, let us help you finding the best system for you.
- If you need high quality and certified powder, let us help you a hassle free experience.
Our long history in system design and delivering high-quality complex systems with our deep and extensive experience in metal 3D printing can assist your business in adopting the benefits of AM technology.
Safety and security
Safety is our number one priority
We understand your concerns in new approaches
Possibility of return
We do our best to make it a unique experience with us